Jeff is always a font of inspiration when it comes to video games and blogs relating to video games. He suggested that I write to you about my SORE ELBOWS. That's right, my elbows hurt. And that's because he bought me JUST DANCE for the Wii for my 31st birthday. I LOVE this game! Its the first rhythm game we have EVER owned THAT I CAN BEAT MY HUSBAND AT! Yeah!! Jeff is a master of DDR, Beatmania, Pop'n'Music, DJ Hero, Rock Band . . . and lest we forget the obscure ones, DJ Max Portable and REZ. I suck at all of them. But apparently my 6 years of Colorguard/Dance and all those Jazzercise classes have given me an edge on Just Dance. It has also given me VERY sore elbows. Remember how sore your elbows were when you first got your WII and you played Wii bowling for like THREE hours because YOU JUST COULDN"T STOP??? Yeah, I played a total of two hours of Just Dance that first day. And now I'm paying for it.

ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ for lyrics and mild suggestive themes.
It's a FUN game, but it has little replay value. There are a total of 32 songs and once you play through and get over 15000 points on each, there's nothing left to "Accomplish" in the game. One would hope that they would have included a feature to download new songs and dances, but sadly they have not. It'll be GREAT for when you have a bunch of friends over for a few drinks or for when your pre-teen has some friends over and they have WAAAY too much energy. For our family, two adults and two little kids, it holds less value. For my 6 year old daughter, the controls are good enough that she was earning a good amount of points. But she's still uncoordinated enough that she was frustrated by getting beat down by her Mommy. So for LITTLE ones, it's a poor choice. Still, my elbows attest to the fact that the initial playthrough was WELL worth the price.
My Rating: Teen for it being a great game FOR the pre-teen to teenager group that always has SOME friends hanging around.
Jeff's angle: So, yeah, she can beat me at the game. She is right though. She is much more coordinated when it comes to moving your whole body in fluid motions that are coordinated with music. I just like to slam on foot panels to some arrows in time with music. That isn't really dancing! =)
Anyway, Just Dance seems like a game that is made for the party scene, much like the majority of Wii games out there. I would like to break this game out at a party at our house one day, throw some alcohol into the mix and see the chaos and hilarity ensue... I think that is when this game REALLY shines!!
1 comment:
:-D You posted on facebook you had a blog now and I had to follow! I want to try Just Dance. It looks like a lot of fun! And w00t for being able to beat the hubby. Mine has the corner on all video games except the Wii Fit Plus. I am slightly better.
Jeff...if you throw that party I would so love to come and drag my husband along with me. That would be such a fun party!
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