Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finally, a D&D that I'll try!

I tried playing Dungeons & Dragons ONCE in college.  That seemed TOO geeky for me . . . And you have to get PRETTY geeky for me to turn you down.  But after my journey to PAX East, I've been intrigued by the game.  SO many people talk about being turned onto it at PAX . . . I feel like I missed out on a great opportunity.  I know that my husband would LOVE to play as a Dungeon Master (not like THAT, people!) and I have a feeling that my daughter's current interest in RPGs (both old and new) may be the vehicle we need to get into a D&D family tradition.  Having said ALL THAT, today's news item from Penny Arcade links to a D&D adventure that is set up for children 6 and older.  I am SO thrilled!  After my trip up to Sacramento for the PTA conference, I am hoping we can take a chance at Heroes of Hesiod: A Monster Slayers Game!  A new level of Geekness has arrived!

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