Sunday, April 18, 2010

You be the judge

Jeff and I went to see a movie last night, HOT TUB TIME MACHINE.
If you're wondering HOW this relates to being geeks or raising geeks just wait for it . . . . Jeff and I are geeks for 80s stuff (see? told you).  Remember that VH-1 show "I LOVE THE 80s"??  Yeah we practically recorded it to watch it again.  We were born in the LATE 70s, and hardly lived the 80s, but of course our parents were heavily influenced by the trends which gave us a lasting impression of coolness.  Hey, when you're 9 years old your parents ARE cool!  Sooooooo . . . we were excited to see this movie.  I was NOT impressed when I walked into the theater and sat in front of a NINE year old!  He was with his parents, but that just made the situation worse.  Everyone has the right to parent "Their Own Way" with certain legal restrictions.  However, what made these parents think that an R rated movie about 4 guys going back in time to relive their 18th year was a good idea?  And living it up as 18 year olds in 1986?  As you can expect there was a TON of boobs, sex, rampant drug use, foul language and blood.  Made for a VERY funny movie when you're 31 and wishing that you got to experience the 80s for what it really was.  But as a 9 year old?  I bet he has a ton of questions for his parents today . . . and if not, I feel sad that he has obviously already been de-sensitized by his parents choices.  (and there was the part about raising geeks.  I don't disappoint) 
I know that not everyone can agree on one another's parenting choices.  I have friends that let their kids play video games that are rated M.  That rating is given to the game for a reason.  You should be MATURE enough to realize its not real, to realize that its NOT a good idea to go out and kill people or pick up prostitutes or whatever.  I have friends that let their kids watch shows that I would think are WAAAAY to mature for young ages.  I also have friends that think I'm too free with screen time, and just allowing my kids to play video games is akin to warping their minds.  
Raising little geeks is rough, and everyone has their own set of morals and values that they use to guide their parenting choices.  But I'm gonna say this, if you make those parenting choices in public, people are gonna judge you.  And then they may blog about you! 


mistri said...

Funny thing is, you said he probably had alot of questions for his parents after watching that movie. But the sad thing is, so will his friends, because you KNOW kids that age share their thoughts. He's probably spreading all the boobs, sex & foul language to his friends.

Anonymous said...

Tricia beat me to what I was going to say. Kids talk to their friends about practically everything so I am sure he's telling his friends about what he got to saw. Which means his parents may be getting calls about it.