Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'd like to ask you a few questions . . . .

As I think more about this blog, I'd really like to have a weekly feature where I interview someone in the gaming industry who IS a parent.  I'd LOVE to start with Mike Krahulik from Penny Arcade.  While his counterpart, Jerry Holkins, is a parent as well, Mike has a son who is just entering school age, the prime age for introducing some of the greatest games of all time.  *cough Pokemon cough*  Mike and Jerry always seem to have their finger on the pulse of the gaming world and I'm sure they have a unique perspective on parenting future gamers. 

But I wonder what KIND of questions I'd ask.  If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to share!  Maybe eventually my blog will be big enough to attract attention from the industry and I can actually do an interview like that. I'd would be MORE than happy to give you credit for any questions you suggest.  It'd be like one INTERNET -WIDE Q&A session!

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